Saturday, June 28, 2008

what starbuck's DOESN'T want you to know

Since I bought Starbuck's espresso, I have become quite the barista and no longer frequent the establishment nearly as often. There is just not the need when I can make drinks that taste just as delicious. However, there is one problem. I find it to be a major one, although you might not agree. I think it is something one might not understand until it has been personally experienced. I have found that I am quite attached to the plastic cup and straw that the drink is served in. That cannot be replicated at home. Yesterday, I used my own cup and straw (see picture) and it just did not have the same affect. First of all, I had to search at home for a straw to use, and this is the only one I could find. As you could imagine, I could not take it out of the car with me as I might have been teased quite horribly. One just does not look nearly as sophisticated carrying around a travel mug with a squiggly orange straw as they do with a Starbuck's cup. I would like to pose that it is not really the coffee that people get addicted to, but the cup.


Jennie said...

I have always thougth that those coffee cups make people look grown up and sophisticated & me with my McDonalds Diet Coke made me look like a kid (I know that isn't all that makes me look like a little kid) birthday Devin bought me one to put Diet Coke in- it was a great idea....but I had the same problem. And your silly straw just doesn't fit the profile...UNLESS you are in a clown costume....then it would be PERFECT!!!!!@!

Jennifer said...

I completely and wholeheartedly agree with you!! It's absolutely the cup and the whole coffee shop experience. I've thought of this before too, since I try to make my own chi tea lattes at home...and for some reason it smells different...tastes different..all of that. Even though it's EXACTLY the same stuff they use!! I don't understand it and it makes me wonder if I'll ever be able to make food at home that tastes as yummy as it does at restaurants.