Thursday, July 30, 2009


A drive through Texas wouldn't e complete without a stop for BBQ. We opted not to go to the chain BBQ restaurant, and instead went to a more family style one. It was so fun! I ordered the ribs plate, and it came complete Texas style, with loads of sides. Too bad I didn't take a picture of that!

We both had to take a picture with this awesome horse parked out front.

Isn't it so Texas? Look at the man in the cowboy hat and the woman's hair!

Even the bathroom sink was shaped like the state. I guess these people are really proud of where they live.


Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

hey you are moving to atlanta? that is where i live well in newnan which is a little south of atl. when will you be here and have you found a church yet?
-this is actually my cats blog but my name is Audrey

Erin said...

Woo! Texans sure do love Texas! I'm proud of you guys for getting Texas BBQ.

April said...

HA! Texas shaped sinks - that cracks me UP!

My sis lives in Texas, and once when we were visiting we went to the Fort Worth Zoo... We went to this film thing in a little auditorium that was supposed to be about animals... duh, since we were at the zoo... Oh no - we were really off - the film started and ended with the Texan flag waving dramatically in the wind... the WHOLE thing was about how great Texas is. Seriously... it is the biggest joke.