Friday, September 4, 2009

River Float

A great part about living on the river is that we get to take the float trek often that everyone seems to think a novelty. River floating has become a weekend event for us. When we first got out here, we wanted to get on the river right away so before taking time to decide on the proper floatage tools, we just went to CVS and bought $2 colorful tubes. Because these were really made for toddlers, we must have been a sight to see floating on them. When Bob sat on his, it completely went underneath the water. But it was enough to make us happy if even for a while. We even bought one for my cousin when she came out to visit. After a while though, we just could no longer stand the back pains and the comments from others, so we have moved on to bigger and better floats. Our new ones fit our whole bums (and more) and have a headrest and cupholder. We call them the lazy boys. Pictured are our old tubes. If anyone finds themselves out here in the summer, you will be enjoying a river float as well :)

1 comment:

Chris said...

So does that mean that the river water is warm? Floating in rivers in California is a good way to get frostbite!