Monday, May 3, 2010

Food, Inc.

I just got finished watching the movie Food, Inc. which talks about where a lot of the foods we eat come from. It is one of those movies that you are unsure whether or not you want to watch, because once you are informed you have to make decisions. Ignorance is bliss, after all, I guess, although it can always turn around and bite you in the long run. I found the movie to be very enlightening and disturbing all at once. Sometimes I wish that we lived in the days where we had to kill and grow our own food because then we would realize the value of it. I can't say I would eat much meat if I had to slaughter it myself. While this does encourage me to eat more choice meats especially, it is often difficult to get around the price, which I think is what stops so many people. It is cheaper to drive through a fast food place and buy off the dollar menu than to create a healthy, well balanced meal at home.

We have a few local farmer's markets here that I really want to try attending. I think it is a great way to get fresh food, eat what is in season, and support small business owners and the area that you live in. I think that is a good start. The hard part sometimes is that they are only offered certain times during the week so you kind of have to plan your shopping around that. Anyway, there are sacrifices to be made but positive things to be gained as well. I suggest watching the movie if you are interested where your food comes from. A good thing to know, really.


scang111 said...

Vote three times a day!

Jamie, have you heard of CSAs? It's community supported agriculture, where you get organic, local produce delivered to your door (or a nearby neighbor) weekly. We get 8 different fruits and vegetables every week, plus cage free eggs every other week. We know everything is organic and we're supporting farms in the northern cal region. I price matched it with and it's about the same, not to mention we get to try really cool vegetables we never would have thought of. Makes the farmer's market concept a lot more convenient. You should check if there are any out there!

scang111 said...

By the way, this is your cousin Angela :)

Jamie Mehaffey said...

Thanks, that is awesome to know. We have a farmer's market, but can't always get to it.