Thursday, February 24, 2011

A little bit of this and a little bit of that...

Things have been crazy busy for Bob and I lately, so although I have the best intentions to both picture take and write on this blog, when it comes to choosing between necessities (eating, bathing, etc.) and blogging, I have chosen the former--although sometimes unwillingly :) Here is a listed update of both the fun and mundane things keeping us going:

1. I am in schools almost everyday videotaping, collecting student work, etc. which beats being "grounded" to staying at home and video coding as some of my colleagues have coined. Although when these observations end in April, I will be working strictly from home until the end of summer.

2. This week has been "winter" break for me, which means the schools are off, but I still have work to do from home. However, I am not complaining because I have gotten to enjoy many things this week, including the spring weather (sun!) we are starting to get.

3. I have started going to the chiropractor, but if you asked me why I can't really tell you other than I think that it is fun and preventative. Many people go after they have pain, but I decided not to wait. There is a chiropractic college nearby and they have an outpatient center that is REALLY cheap, so I decided it would be good (read:fun) to start going. I also realized through this some of my selfish tendencies and wonder if I am the only person in the world who thinks it a good time to fill out paperwork of my health history. (?) I also realized how healthy I really am despite the fact that one of my legs is longer than the other (I knew it!) and my right side is just a little off in general.

4. I realized this week that while I like living here, it will not turn me into a southern woman at heart. For my friend's birthday I took her to the Swan Coach Carriage House, which is like a Southern woman's luncheon place in a nicer area of Atlanta. While we had a great time and enjoyed the food, I was reminded that I am not a southern white woman and will never be, y'all. I don't care about country clubs, dressing up, foo-foo bunnies and pastel clothes. Although I am not complaining about tasting the best coconut cake the other day at a southern cooking class I assisted and putting the recipe in my pile of faves.

5. I am still cooking away and was proud of the made from scratch refried beans and mexican rice I produced the other day. I continue to realize though that I am completely naive when it comes to time and I can spend all day cooking when I meant to spend a couple hours. I cooked and baked so much this week for different things we had going on that I had to ban myself from it for the rest of the week. We are still eating bean and rice leftovers even though we originally took them to a party and there are really only so many things you can do with beans and rice as leftovers. I have even started eating them at breakfast.

6. Our tennis team won the league (yeah!). Bob and I really enjoy playing doubles with each other despite the fact that we lost more than won. We have really enjoyed spending time with our tennis friends on the tennis court but may have had even more fun playing wii with them the other night (the dance one is the best). I am totally anti-video games until it comes to wii. I don't think I have ever laughed as hard as when I am playing and I find that it can actually be interactive with others.

7. Bob is in the final stretch of his internship and is counting down the days until graduation. It is looking like he may have some prospects for jobs and he has been interviewing a tad, which is really encouraging to us. One or both of us has been in school since we got married 5 1/2 years ago, so we both are definitely ready do be done with that.

I feel like we are crawling toward the finish line and we definitely don't like the craziness of this season for us. We are learning to live in the present and take things one day at a time. Today, we both even had a brief moment at lunch time so we went down by the river and threw around the frisbee on the grass. While I want more moments like that, I am trying and learning to be appreciative of the gifts that they are, even if few and far between.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Good to see an update, since I don't get to hear enough of you these days. Someday we'll be busy on the same days and free on the same days. At least I hope :) And hun ;) I don't think you have to like any of those things to be a southerner at heart...I don't, and I call myself one. All of those other things make me gag.