I am working part time this year. Since I am going to school on Monday's (Biola's Institute for Spiritual Formation Program), Tuesdays are the day that I feel like I really have off. Who knew that a 24 hour period-- although I was sleeping part of that time-- could be so blissful. Because I am a teacher, I did have the whole summer off, but there is really something about not having to go into work when I know the kids and other teachers are still there. Granted, I am celebrating before I got my 3/5 time paycheck, but still, in case you didn't know how much you could get done in one day off of work I will tell you all I was able to do. Pretend like you care...
1. I walked at 5:15 a.m. with my friends. Yes on my day off.
2. Ate breakfast and read.
3. Did laundry
4. Went to the dentist for 2 1/2 hours. Yes 2 1/2 hours.
5. Went to Target
6. Treated myself to lunch at Chipotle. How nice of me.
7. Did a prayer project for class
8. Read some more
9. Took a nap
10. Went to the hardware store
11. Got my car washed
12. Made dinner for 2 nights
13. Ate with my husband
14. Played cards with my husband
15. Went to bed
Okay I know it doesn't sound super exciting but it was such a mix of rest and getting things done. I love working part time! (Again, I haven't yet received a paycheck;)