Wednesday, May 20, 2009

White Sweater

Okay, I need your help here people (and this is a good way to see who actually reads my blog or if I am just writing for my own entertainment-- which is fine too.) How important is a white sweater to a woman's wardrobe? I bought a white long sleeve sweater a while ago (not the one in this picture) and I ended up returning it because it was too preppy feeling. I thought if I just went with a 3/4 sleeve white sweater it would be better, so I bought one of those and I keep trying it on but still haven't worn it. I still feel it is a little preppy. I am into color right now and feeling that anything you could wear a white sweater with you could probably make cuter with a colorful sweater. Any thoughts from my more fashionable than me friends out there?


April said...

Dude, I totally read your blog... and I don't consider myself fashionable but I will say my piece... I have two white sweaters - the kind that you wear over shirts/dresses/etc. I don't have any white sweaters that you just where with a pair of jeans - but I think that would be cute. :) Why do you worry about looking preppy or looking anything for that matter? You ALWAYS look great. :)

Jennie said...

Not sure if I qualify as more fashionable....but I can't live without a white sweater....I have one in short sleeve, 3/4 sleeve and long sleeve... Can't imagine my life without them!!! But you not being able to figure out if you like it or not doesn't surprise me in the least! Return it, you will never wear it!!!