Saturday, October 8, 2011

On the job

Here is the house after we cut down the forest outside. You can actually see it!

Below: Here is my first mistake (it is a learning process, right?) I was so excited to get in there and started on something that I came over to the house before Bob was off work and started tearing down wall paper in the master bedroom. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Then Bob came in and said, "Oh no, Jamie, that is not wall paper, that is dry wall you are tearing down." Whoops. At that point I didn't even know what dry wall was. Now I do and am a master since I tore it down on purpose in the garage.
Walt, who we live with, and his friend Andy, have been a tremendous help to us in this process. They helped us fix the water heater and cut down trees and fill up the dumpster.
Bob starting to tear out drywall in the garage. We had to wear masks because of the dust and because one of the reasons we were tearing down the dry wall is that a lot of it had mold.
Me tearing down drywall on purpose! The previous owners had turned one of the garages into a room, so we are making it back into a garage. Bob laughs at me because I held the hammer with both hands. Buy me a tool belt, someone, because I am becoming a master at using them!


Bob said...

You are so cute...master!

Mary said...

Hi Jamie - this is mary :) not sure if you remember me but Mike and Bob are ISF friends! Glad to see you guys are doing well and love that you guys are getting down and dirty doing the house yourselves. It's going to be so much more meaningful and amazing for you guys to enjoy.