Friday, July 13, 2012

A lesson in patience

 This is what our house currently looks like. Well, actually it is a little "updated" since then. In these two pictures, there are green shutters (the originals) on top, and black on bottom. Doing work on the house has been moving slowly around here for numerous reasons, but mostly because we have had to put our money elsewhere. I guess having a child does that to you. So the funds we had allocated for painting our house are now in our car and the unexpected takes we had to pay--thanks Uncle Sam! Anyway, lest I complain too much, I am thankful that I have a willing (aka crazy) and able husband who has volunteered himself to be our painter, at least until we can afford to get someone to do the rest of the house. So he has diligently painted the shutters black, the door yellow, and will be moving on to the white trim in the front. It is difficult to tell in this picture, but there are some slats near the yellow door painted a shade of light gray, which is what we have decided on (the goal and dream look is the last picture in this post).
 It has been very difficult for me and a season of learning to let go and not care what others think. There are slats all over the house painted different colors from boards replaced and trial paints. We had no idea we would have to wait this long (and keep waiting) to have our house painted. We have the privilige of being the house on the corner that everyone drives by to get into our subdivision, so everyone sees our progress, or lack thereof, on a regular basis. I really didn't realize how much pride and vanity I had until we bought a home. I have really struggled with what others think of the outside of our house and I have to keep letting go of that. I am excited when neighbors want to come inside because then at least they can see all that we did in there. It's interesting the things God uses to point out sin in your life. This house has really been one of them for me. It has been a great lesson in learning to wait, seeing what is important, and being wise with money. Thankfully, our friends don't care at all and still visit us anyway!
Isn't this dreamy? Someday I hope...

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