Friday, January 14, 2011

Table Setting

Maybe because I am becoming more of a homemaker, or maybe becuase we were hosting company this year, I JUST started getting into table settings. I have been loving to cook for a long time but we are so casual I have never felt the need to purchase cloth napkins, chargers, etc. Well this year I finally splurged a little and did it. I enjoyed seeing my table come to life, but Bob is still questioning me about the chargers-- "Really, what do they charge?". I am going to have to find a way to use them in everyday life just to justify it :)


April said...

I've never understood chargers either... What are they for anyway? Pretty setting Jamie! When we got married I registered for all the cloth napkins and stuff so I've been known to use them even when we are having pizza delivered!

Carrie said...

yay! it looks great.