Friday, August 31, 2012

Officially old

No, I didn't have my 30th birthday. Yet. However, I am officially old as of Wednesday because I was diagnosed with shingles. Yes, shingles. They do have a vaccine for it, but you have to be 50 before they give it to you. Which means I have a disease of 50 year olds (not that that's old mom and dad, just older than me). When the doctor walked in she said, "Oh your eyes are so red have you not been sleeping?". I replied, "I have a newborn." All she said was, "Oh." Then she saw my rash and heard my symptoms and in a compassionate voice told me I had shingles. I told her that I thought shingles was for older people and she said it happens when someone's immune system is weak, which is usually in older people, but sometimes in those younger. Apparently taking care of a child weakens your immune system. Who would've thought? Ha!

Yesterday was awful. I told Bob it was worse than labor (which is an encouragement to my pregnant friends). I only got out of bed to go to the bathroom, to which I crawled. Luckily Bob took off work and stayed with Caiden but it has been hard on all of us. I am taking meds so I feel MUCH better today and have gotten some time with my babe. I know he missed all of my silly songs yesterday so I am having to catch up on them today. I am sure Bob appreciates that too :)

While we are on the old ailing body topic, I know you have been holding your breath about my mole. It is benign, so no worries there. Next time an update on my digestive system. Just kidding.

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