Monday, February 28, 2011

This crazy place

Today we got a tornado warning. Yes. Really. Bob got stuck inside in his internship until it was safe to go out. Luckily they didn't all have to crawl in a bathtub together. There were golf-ball sized hail outside. And it was extremely warm and tropical weather, which was so strange. We also got the characteristic thunder and lightening storms which I love and hate (they still scare me and I want to crawl under the covers and hide, but they are also really beautiful).

I tell ya, we have had some crazy weather here. Snow week and now this. It really is fun and wild to live in. And once again, a good reminder that I am not in control.

However, this California girl has become accustomed to NEVER checking the weather before leaving the house, which is not a good idea in Atlanta. For over a year now, I have predicted what the weather should be like based on what I want to wear and not what is most practical and have gotten caught in some ridiculous situations because of it. I still hate umbrellas and for the most part refuse to carry them. I would rather wear a hood and get wet than have to mess with a contraption that claims to keep me dry, but doesn't really do its job. I keep learning as I go.

Anyway, just wanted to share that I survived my first tornado warning. Check another one of the list of things I have always wanted to experience. Right.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm with you on the umbrellas, although it's hard to get away with that in NorCal! Hope you guys are doing well. Miss you!