Friday, September 30, 2011

Guess what we did

We bought a house! Here is the first of many BEFORE pictures. The Lord blessed us tremendously and gave us most of what we had been waiting for for so long to find in a house. It is a foreclosure, which we had never really planned to buy, but we fell in love with this place and with its potential. Bob and I both joked that of course with the nature of our jobs (him being a counselor and me being a teacher) that we would find a place that we desired to blossom.

The structure of this house is good and while it is very photogenic, it needs a ton of work. It has not been lived in for almost a year and needs nearly everything replaced. We are extremely excited about doing the work together and ourselves and making this into our home. We are truly gifted because as I mentioned before we are living with a couple from church and so we have all the flexibility and freedom to take as long as we want to in fixing it up. There will be many more pictures to come, it was just taking forever to upload. Thank you for all of you who continued to listen to our saga of emotions over this place and all that it involved (and who will continue to do so).

Family: With both of our birthdays and Christmas coming up, if you desire to get us a gift, all we really need/want are gift cards to Home Depot! (I never thought I would say that). Bob of course will use it for tools and manly things, and I will use it for things that a man might deem "unnecessary", like good-looking door handles and hinges, fans that match the house and don't have gold on them, etc.

We virtually welcome you to our new home!


Carrie Squires said...

Awesome! Can't wait to see more pictures!

gina marie said...

I can't wait to see more pictures too! congratulations you guys... I am so proud of you... I know that it has been a long process! you are loved!

Denise and Mike Meacham said...

Congratulations you guys! Praying the Lord continues to answer your prayers, so exciting!

bookcrazy-lhj said...

I'm so excited for you guys. See you soon!