Monday, August 17, 2009

Moving day

The coffee shop in our complex serves french press coffee. We love it!

We were so very blessed to be able to stay with the Hicks family when we found out we had to get to Atlanta earlier than expected. The Hicks are related to a friend of a friend in California and they readily offered their basement to us to stay in during the few days when we were still homeless. They have five beautiful and wonderful kids and it was a blast to be part of their family for those few days. Not only did they bless us with hospitality, but they graciously offered to help us move in as well. I told them that by doing that they were really saving our marriage because I don't know how else we would have made it through moving all that stuff in with just the two of us :) Anyway, it was so great to see the kids working hard and together bringing in stuff and it was so nice to have other men do some of the work. Here are a few pictures of the move in day and us enjoying the river that is our backyard.

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