Friday, April 30, 2010

Awful Atlanta drivers

I have seen more car accidents, or wrecks as they call them here in Atlanta, than any other place I have been. I was prime witness the other day to the ridiculousness of some Atlanta drivers that topped a lot of what I have seen--oh how lucky I am. I was on the freeway in some city traffic, stop and go for a while. We were at a stop portion of this traffic, when for some reason the lady in front of me (I am just thankful she wasn't behind me) decides she wants it to be a go portion. So while everyone is dead stopped, she steps on the gas and hits the person in front of her. Oops, right? I guess that can happen to anyone, that is not the kicker.

She hasn't hit the person too hard, because she may have reached what, 5 miles an hour in the two feet she had to hit this person, but the man in front of her decides it is a situation that calls for his hazard lights. So instead of moving over to the margin (he was in the right lane already) he turns on his flashers. In stop and go traffic. While I am usually a person that realizes that if you are yelling at the people in front of you from the closed confines of your car, you are not getting anywhere, even I had to chime in at this point, "Come on! She barely bumped you, pull over, your car is completely still driveable!"

At this point the lady in front of me decides she is going to get out of her car in this traffic, so she opens the door and I continue talking to them, mindless of the fact that they can't hear me. Apparently, the man realizes his ridicoulousness--thank you, there is hope!-- and decides to pull over. Nice.

As I drive by, I wonder, was I supposed to stay because I was a witness? I never know the lines with that. Maybe I am just as ridiculous as them.

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