Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring is Here!

It has been a long time--like 2 months-- since I last posted a blog. In fact, I thought about abandoning it altogether, being of the mindset that if you can't do something well, or at least consistently, then why do it. I am learning however, to let go and just allow life to take its course. Now that spring is here and FINALLY kicked winter out the back door, I actually am out of hibernation and am starting to actually do things that are worth blogging about. Not to mention, my job is slowing down so I have a bit more time.

Although it is very fun to have seasons, winter is definitely not my favorite. I learned a lot though about death (all the beautiful green turns brown come winter) and the way my soul feels when it is cold too long. I must admit though that if winter hadn't been so rough, I would not have been so enthusiastic about spring, or the sun in general.

The colors around here are breathtaking. We have lots of green, beautiful dogwoods, tulips and daffodils. It is not quite hot enough for the humididty or the mosquitoes, so Bob and I have deemed it the perfect season. If you ever want to come visit Atlanta, April is the time.

I can't believe we have almost been here a full year. We moved to Atlanta late July so we have almost seen all of the months and the seasons. I am thankful for the blessings and the hardships that God has graciously allowed us to experience and am happy to be writing about it again!


April said...

I LOVE reading about your adventures Jamie. Please keep up the blog! I can't believe it's been a year that you've been gone... I thought about you the other day 'cause I was at Orange circle and parked really close to your old house - then, I ran into Susan Westrom while antique shopping there. Anyway, did you hear our good news? ;)

David said...

Davey says likewise, keep up the blog. I enjoy reading it to find out what you guys are doing and your various adventures. Yours is a very good interesting blog Jamie, keep going on it.
I'd post more on my blog but am not doing anything worth posting lately except to me/us.
Maybe next month.