Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mexico Anniversary

Bob and I went to the Mayan Riviera to celebrate our 5th anniversary. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed the culture, people, food and activities. Bob and I brushed up on our Spanish while we were there. We spend a lot of time snorkeling, laying around and eating chips and salsa. The great part about our resort is that it had like 10 sister resorts in the area so we could go to a different one and hang out each day. We went to Cozumel one day and visited many different beaches. The hotel we stayed at was an ecological reserve, so it was almost like a zoo--they had monkeys, deer (we got to feed them), birds, and other animals. We also got to visit Chichenitza and other Mayan ruins. If you want to see more pictures from our trip, here is the website:

Below are a few of our favorites.

This was the kiddie pool. Although there was a sign for 12 and under, it could not stop Bob and I. All those fun slides and stairs called to us. We paid for it though when at the end of the slide you landed in water about 2 feet deep and either got a wedgie or a pool floor burn. Not good, but well worth the fun.

We went to a show that highlighted the Mayan ball game and other activities at a place called Xcaret. We snorkled through caves during the day and then at night we got to see the show. The people in the show dressed up in some of these crazy costumes.

Our hotel had been a booming place in the past but had been ruined a few years back by a hurricane. After that some of the land was sold and a man sits in this lifeguard tower to guard it. It is such a beautiful area.

Wish you were here! Totally inappropriate, I know, for me to even be posting on my blog, but just too funny to pass up. Bob and I went for a walk on the beach and were stopped abruptly by this image--a man, missing some clothes as you can see (he may have gotten confused and took the wrong piece off) facing the ocean. The best part was, there was a boat out in the distance that he was facing. Anyway, I didn't feel comfortable walking past him but Bob just had to take a picture, saying he wanted to make it into postcards to send to people saying "Wish you were here". So consider this your post card ;)

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