Friday, April 22, 2011

My love

I love my husband. He makes me laugh so much. I definitely need a daily dose of him to make me less serious.

Today, like many other days, I was bombarded by his old tupperware lunch left in the sink. Numerous times I have asked that when he gets home, he rinses out his tupperware. Because when it sits in the sink it develops nauseous gases that are extra putrid when opened. Yesterday he left a beans and rice tupperware in there. Today when I opened it I almost gagged. It smelled like armpits. I laughed because it was so nasty. At least my husband will eat home packed lunches and doesn't insist on eating out every day. I guess I can deal with the occasional sensory overload.

He went grocery shopping today with a list I had written. When he came home, I saw strawberries on the sink and thought it very nice of him to pick up an extra little treat. I mentioned how nice this was and he said, "Well you put it on the list." I laughed because I had not but it on the list, but rather straws which I have been missing when I drink my iced coffee. When I pointed this out to him, he said, "Well you put it right next to the bananas." I can see the logical jump, especially since I abbreviated bananas 'ban', so he figured I must also be abbreviating strawberries.

I also love his subtle ways of communicating things. We were making homemade pizza tonight. I made the dough but I asked if he could take care of everything else so I could work another hour. He agreed to it but asked me if I could please roll out the dough (which is usually my job) because I am sooooo good at it. Translation: Because he doesn't want to do it. Love him. He ended up rolling out the dough and I assure you it was just fine, it still looks and will taste like pizza crust.

Oh the joys of living with my best friend.

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