Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Why is peanut butter and jelly so good? I sit here eating one with an iced latte and really nothing could be better right now. Well it could, if I were on a beach with Bob eating a peanut butter and jelly but that is beside the point. Whoever created this is a genius. Once in highschool I ate peanut butter and jelly for breakfast AND lunch for a month. Why is it considered a kid's food? Are kids the only ones that can enjoy something delectable? Come on people, it's time to bring pb&j back. So next time I come over to your house for lunch, I am going to expect this high quality food.

When Bob and I first got married, one of the running arguments we had was over how peanut butter and jelly should be made. I made it the "normal" way of peanut butter on one side and jelly on another and then marrying the deliciousness by putting the two slices of bread together. But Bob challenged what I had always done, urging me to make his pb&j with both elements on each side. Preposterous--but absolutely delicious. I finally gave in once I got over a)the fact that he was right b)it is double the peanut butter and double the jelly, making a bit of a more high calorie sandwich. Now I don't make it any other way. No more soggy bread because the jelly bleeds into it and then is nowhere to be found when it is supposed to be combine with the peanut butter. And the pb&j mixture sort of seeps out with every bite, which in my book is awesome. So, if you can get over Bob being right and adding some extra calories to your sandwich, try it!

1 comment:

Denise and Mike Meacham said...

I agree with you on the deliciousness of pb&j, though I am a traditionalist, but may have to give Bob's version a try :) Unfortunately, though I'm only 5 months pregnant, I already have horrible heart burn. I've been trying to avoid spicy food, but the other day, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I had for lunch made me miserable. Praying it was an isolated occurence :)