Monday, May 24, 2010

Reasons to love NY

Okay, I have been totally surprised by my affection toward NY because in no way would I consider myself a city girl. I have pondered over my reasons for this new bent toward the big city and this is what I came up with. Reasons to love NY (in no particular order):

1. It is people watching heaven.
I love to people watch, and would even consider it a skill so that they don't know they are being watched--sunglasses is the trick-- and there is no better place then here. Previously I would have said the airport, but this tops the list. And the bonus is when you don't live in NY you get to go to the airport first.

2. The food (duh).
Everyone knows that NY is famous for it's food. And everyone who knows me knows that I am famous for loving, er, rather, adoring food. So the combination of NY and I is a very good one. And coming here on business gets you $71 a day to spend on food, which means you can try anything and everything without worrying about spending your own dinero.

3. The shopping.
While it is true that NY has any store you can imagine, the best part is that when you come here you are on vacation, so while you would never by that full priced dress from the same store at home, you can somehow justify it because you are in NY and that makes it a souveneir.

4. Walking everywhere.
It is fun to walk everywhere, and mostly because it takes care of number
1. Easy to do some serious people watching while you are walking and you even have time to contemplate why it is they are wearing those stilletos while traveling for 5 miles behind them (yes, somehow still behind them even though I have my running shoes on and they have high heels.
2. Walking=burning calories=eating more delicious food
3. You pass many fun stores while walking through the city

I know there are many more reasons, but these are a few I came up with for now.

1 comment:

EQ said...

Wonderful observations, Jamie. Can't wait to hear the rest of your list!