Friday, August 5, 2011

Clear as mud

It has been dreadfully hot here. Like the kind where it is too hot to go outside, or even go in the pool because the water is too warm to be a relief. The only kind of escape we get is when it rains, which has started to happen more frequently. In the middle of the day we will get a quick storm and then the heat dies down and you can feel normal again.

Yesterday, I was driving home and talking to my dad about the latest saga on our house hunting adventure--more of that later--when it started raining. Fine by me, I thought, because it meant that it wouldn't be such a nasty scorcher for the rest of the afternoon. Plus there was the added bonus that rain=no exercise, because you can't possible go for a jog or walk in the rain, right? Fair weather walker, that's what my California walking friends would say. But since the weather was always fair in California, we were always walking. Anyway, I digress.

I was talking to my dad and turned on the windshield wipers, and immediately the whole window was too muddy to see through. Now, those of you who know me know that tidyness is not a virtue in my book, and I don't really know how long it has been since I have washed my car. So my immediate thought was, this muddy windshield is a result of the dry dirt that was probably caked on there mixed with the rain; a logical conclusion. However, the more I drove, the more muddy it continued to get, to the point that I could hardly see through my windshield. I was starting to get nervous so I slowed down. Then it got better. So I sped up. Then it got worse. The cycle continued, until I finally pieced together that the truck in front of me was the cause of my clouded windshield. When I put two and two together that I was driving behind a
DIRT TRUCK, it made sense that the muddy film on my window wouldn't go away unless I slowed down. My dad and I laughed about it for a while. Comic relief is such a God-send. I wish I had more of it in my life.

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