Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A little more than a walk in the park

Sorry, no pictures again. Still working on it. Today, I spent a workout morning with my new friend Kristina. Kristina is actually sort of an old friend because she is the sister of my roommate from college. Kristina and her hubby Sean moved out here from California a little over 6 months ago so we have been spending some time together, mostly going on walks and such. However, Kristina had much more than a walk planned for us today. She came up with a whole series of workouts to do in the park that overlooks the river. We did high knees, sit ups, push ups, leg lifts, lunges and more, and I tell ya she is a driver. She should be a trainer the way she can get you to keep moving.

I thought it would help to be overlooking the river, that it wouldn't hurt as much or be hard in such a serene setting. Not so much. I am sore already and it is only an hour past when we worked out. I never know if I like this or not, because it reminds me that I am out of shape and getting old. Yes, I am having issues with approaching the big 3-0. I have a little over a year still, but I am preparing for it, the downhill body from there. I have heard that's when most of the metabolism stops. So thanks to Kristina, who is helping me get ready by blasting drills at me and making me laugh in the process. I love her spirit and the fact that she brough a list of items to get done on our workout agenda and practiced them on her husband first.

1 comment:

David said...

I am out of shape and getting old. Yes, I am having issues with approaching the big 3-0. Welcome to the club Jamie! I have a little over a year still, but I am preparing for it, the downhill body from there. I have heard that's when most of the metabolism stops.
Nah, one can still enjoy life well into the 60's. Daddy Dave says so.