Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I realized how stressed I am today when I saw a lady smoking a cigarette and I wanted one, something, anything, to relieve this sense of being so overwhelmed!

Bob has been working and we have been going to church a half an hour north of where we are living now, so he has been driving there 6 days a week. Our lease ends at the end of August and it was our goal to buy a house by that time so everything would fall perfectly into place without much overlap. Right; I forgot that I don't get to write my own story. We do not yet have our own house to move into, but through this uneasy time, the Lord has continued to provide blessings. A couple from our church who have an apartment in their basement have graciously offered to allow us to stay there for any amount of time needed until we find a home.

We did find a home! And we put an offer on it which was accepted, but it is a foreclosed home (just what Bob wanted so he can get his little hands on it and fix it up), which means a lot of waiting. And as of now, we are waiting to get a signed contract back. So it is sort of ours and sort of not ours. Even when we do get the contract, there are still lots of steps to make sure that the home is in okay condition and habitable. So more waiting for us. You'd think I would get good at it after all this time, but not really. Still working on it, Lord.

In the meantime though, we will be using my UPS box address that I have for work. So for all of you who read this blog AND want to write me a letter (I know the numbers dropped off significantly there), the best address to use from now on is :

4355 Cobb Pkwy SE

Suite J446

Atlanta, GA 30339

I can use all the love notes I can get!

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