Friday, July 13, 2012

$15 coffee table

Bob and I had been looking for a coffee table on craigslist for a while (we never buy new--always start with craigslist first because you can find brand name things for half the cost) but couln't find what we wanted. So I started scavenging at every Goodwill I could come across. And one day I found it! This baby was calling my name at $15. However, because I am afraid of making the wrong decision, I walked away. Then I drove home, decided I wanted it, turned around and went to get it! A coat of my favorite paint for furniture (also the color I painted Caiden's changing table) and voila! the perfect coffee table. I love how it looks like a door or a window and because it was cheap, we aren't afraid of ruining it. Painting furniture has become my new thing because it instantly transforms an old piece into a new one. Confession: I painted A LOT during my pregnancy. The doctor told me it was okay as long as the room was well ventilated. It still felt weird to me, but I did it anyway. Hope there are no lasting effects on sweet Caiden!

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