Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One month

I can't remember if I brushed my teeth today. I really can't. BUT I have kept sweet Caiden alive (with the help of my spectacular husband) for one month.

It is difficult to remember what life was like without him although he's only been with us a short time. We love just watching him and all the faces he makes, the way he protests to certain things, and his overall preciousness. Here is some of what we know about Caiden after month one!

*He likes to sleep, which we are thankful for. It is starting to get harder to put him down at night because he fights going to sleep, but overall we haven't had too difficult time in this area.
*He gets hiccups when he eats too much or when he eats too fast, which is almost every time.
*He can burp like no other. Seriously, sometimes I have thought that he is going to deflate and fly across the room with the belches he procures.
*He is a groaner, as mentioned in a previous post.
*Can babies have sleep apnea? Because if so, he does...He makes the cutest little chirping noises in his sleep and Bob calls him chipmunk. I laugh when I picture a baby wearing one of those CPAP machines for sleep apnea.
*It takes him a while to get used to new things--car rides, being put in a sling, walks in a stroller, but after a while he starts to like them.
*He loves sleeping on anyone's stomach/chest and prefers to be held rather than set down.

The pictures above document Caiden at month one and the last one is thrown in for good measure, because he is not such an angel all the time. The crying is much cuter in a picture than in person though.

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