Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 buck chuck or not?

Two buck chuck here at Trader Joe's is actually somewhere around $2.50, which I was outraged at when I first discovered it. Something having to do with taxes from shipping. Well, after being encouraged by a Trader Joe's clerk to try something different for a few dollars more (she guaranteed I would be a lot more happy with the wine and wouldn't really notice the extra two bucks), I decided to buy a Malbec wine, which was supposed to be very good. The wine was very good. The one glass of it we had, that is...

After finishing dinner, we put the wine on the top of the fridge. Which we don't normally do. And which wouldn't have normally been a problem, had I not decided I wanted tea, which we keep in the cupboard above the fridge. All was fine until I put the tea away and went to close the cupboard door, and my elbow knocked the red wine off the top of the fridge. I watched the bottle flip in slow motion down past my side, but did not have any reflexes to help me do anything about it. Red wine-- all over the kitchen floor, wall, counter, appliances-- and broken glass too. Luckily none on the carpet.

It soaked up into the wall right away and we tried to use 409 to scrub it off, which actually made it turn turquoise. I don't know what I was more mad about, the fact that our wall looks like the picture above, or that I bought a more expensive bottle of wine and broke it after the first glass.
Pretty soon we will have a painted over wall, but I will still have wasted over $4.

The truth was that it was better than 2 buck chuck (Sorry Charles Shaw afficianadoes), and I am not even a wine snob. But I am wishing it was the $2 wine sitting on top of the fridge instead of the Malbec fancy one.

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