Friday, September 18, 2009

My job

This is my business card. Yes, my first business card ever. And I even have a few others that I can actually hand out to people. I also have a badge that I get to wear!

Some of you have been asking about the job that I got out here. I am a School Researcher, hired by the University of Michigan to work on a project called Understanding Teaching Quality. I was hired with 11 other researchers, all former teachers, to be trained in 3 protocols and camera operations.

We go into middle school classrooms in 3 districts in the area, video record, and take observation notes. We also spend time video coding tapes of classes that we didn't go into, but our colleagues did. To find out more (and eventually see a description of me and other researchers once it's posted) go to

I have missed teaching a little bit in the past few weeks, but I am really excited to be part of this team that will be doing a lot of great work.

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