Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Goodbye old car

 Dear Acura,

Even though I never had a name for you since I am not one to name my cars, you have had such a special place in my heart and have symbolized so many things for me. You took me through the latter years of college and 7 years of marriage. Even though everyone else hated to travel in you especially if they had to sit in the back seat, I cherished our time and memories together. You served us well with your incredible gas mileage and low cost to fill up the tank. You never had any issues other than minor ones and you were so resilient, dealing with all the bangs and bruises easily. You never got me pulled over for speeding, only those two times did we ever have to stop for a policeman and that is because I neglected to turn your lights on. You traveled behind a truck from California to Georgia and never complained.
 You will be dearly missed. Even though some might call you old and run down, I know you are long lasting and still have much of life ahead of you. I hope you enjoy your new travels.
 Remember that time we were driving on the freeway and a random tire started bouncing around and hit your front fender? I was so thankful it didn't hit the windshield and you held up so well when Bob and Walt pounded out the dent.
 Remember the time that the lady didn't stop behind me at the sign and you got this big dent in you? You didn't mind that I didn't get it fixed and used the money for something else instead. It drove Bob crazy, but you and I didn't care :)
 Remember how last winter, you failed to be able to hold up the hatchback trunk anymore? Somehow the cold did that to you. Now that it's summer you are fine, but the winter months are not your favorite. Instead of fixing you, we improvised and used these two dollar sticks instead. We accepted your aging.
 I am sad to see you go. Honestly, I tried to be able to maneuver the seat so that a baby seat could fit in and out but it wasn't happening. I know you must feel like you are getting the boot because of the baby. It is time, and I am sorry. I know your new owner will love you well. You have been a great car and I will mourn you. You are all I have known through much of life and it is hard to give you up for a more suburbian style family vehicle. You gave me joy and freedom and cheap gas and I thank you for all the memories.


Denise and Mike Meacham said...

Awesome post. I got rid of my old faithful car when I was pregnant with Wes too. I told everyone I had "mourning sickness."

David said...

Our old cars all eventually reach a point where they must go, and it is a sad time, as it was for all my old 20 cars I/we have had. Many is the time I wished to have one of them back again. Especially my red Olds 442, the silver tri-carb GTO with the custom paint, and my purple Camaro with the snortin' 350 HP V-8 engine. Ah, those were the days, and the memories. Your Acura, Jamie, will live on and pop into your conversations many times in the future, and you will tell CAiden all about it now and then. Davey

Unknown said...

That was a very touching letter to your car! I think if your Acura could read this letter, he would also thank you for being such a good owner. At times, our autos became more than just a vehicle to us. It serves as a reminder of things and memories. But when the time comes that it’s already breaking down, you have to let it go for practical reasons. But you can still keep the memories of your dear Acura, and remember how this vehicle became a part of your life.

-Ernest Houston

Tyra Shortino said...

Aw. That was sweet! :-) It really shows how much you love your old car! Why is it that we always remember the times we had with our old things when it is time to let them go? Maybe because we want to get that old feeling again and cherish each memory we spend with our beloved possession. In your case, the memories you had with your old car. But do not fret; I’m sure that your auto is in the good hands of its new owner, and they are making beautiful memories together, like you did with it. :)

[Tyra Shortino]

Delsie said...

Sorry to hear that you had to sell the Acura. This letter for your car tells me that it means so much to you. I can just imagine how you grew up driving it. Maybe, someday, when you think you’re ready again to have a car. I hope you would get a tough and reliable one, just like your Acura!

@Delsie Maidens