Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tea Party shower

The sweet ladies from Bob's work offered to throw me a shower at the super girlie tea house in our area. It was my first time going there an it was so cute and fun. They had all of these special details. I drank way too much tea with caffeine and was hyped all day and couldn't sleep half the night, but it was fun and worth it.

 Below is my delicious lunch, it was a sort of sample platter of all types of goodies. The best part were the scones with lemon curd. I could eat that stuff all day. Many of the ladies didn't eat there scones so I got to take so many home with me!

 After the good food and company, they surprised me with this AMAZING gift. I was blown away. Can you guess what it is by looking at it?
 It's a BOB jogging stroller! (Sorry for the face, I guess that's what I look like when I'm excited). I was so surprised and blessed by this thoughtful gift. I really wanted this stroller and didn't know how we would pull it off price-wise. It was so kind of them. (There were a few more ladies that contributed to the gift that couldn't make it there that day). Thanks to all of you. We are so blessed!


Denise and Mike Meacham said...

Oh my goodness, what an awesome gift! You will LOVE it!!

Jennie said...

Yippe for a BOB. You will not be disappointed!!!!