Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Okay, so I went through a blogging lull for a while. Perhaps that is because there is only so much that stands out in life. I guess I will just have to start looking at things in a new way. I have completely avoided blogging for a while and now here goes again...

I joined facebook today at the prompting of my mom (above all things). I am feeling a little bit guilty and shameful about joining for a few reasons.

1. I swore I would never be that person. I don't know what bugs me so much about myspace and facebook, but I always felt like it was a waste of time, which it proved to be since I spent the last half hour looking up people I haven't talked to in years. Gee, let's think... isn't there I reason I haven't talked to them in years?

2. I actually convinced myself that I will use it to talk to my family but I don't really think that I am going to have the drive to navigate doing that and the blog. And apparently I am back to enjoying the blog again.

3. I don't know if I want people looking me up, but I signed up nonetheless. I just think it is sort of sad that our major contact with others is through posting pictures and typing. But, I guess, here I am doing the same thing on the blog. And it's better to be connected in some sort of way than none at all, right?

1 comment:

Cheri said...

I got a facebook too -- initially to view photos from Wes Cummings' Africa trip, but I then realized how many friends I have on facebook. Hoping it's not a new addiction for me. This wil be a good walking conversation for us someday!!!