Friday, June 27, 2008

Time flies when you're having fun

Yesterday was Bob and I's 3 year anniversary. It's crazy to think how fast it goes. But I also can't really remember what it is like to not be married. I guess that is what happens, your lives mesh together so much that you can't remember the times it is not like that. Plus the fact that I was 18 and he was 19 when we first started dating. It is amazing how much we have grown and changed together. The Lord has really taken us down some of the same paths and taught us the same things simultaneously.

I love marriage, I love having a safe place to be me, both good and bad, and to know that I will be loved (even if not liked) no matter what. It is amazing to learn to work through things together and to come to a compromise even if we begin at opposite sides of the spectrum. I cannot think of a greater earthly relationship and how it constantly points to our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Bob and I spent the first part of the day at the beach with some Jr. Highers from our church, then we had a nice dinner at McCormick & Shmicks (thanks to the Thompsons), where they printed out "Happy Anniversary Jamie & Bob" on the menus. We made the best-ever chocolate chip cookies when we came home and ate them while watching Life is Beautiful. We also got to spend all day today together relaxing and enjoying whatever we wanted to do. For this moment, Life is Beautiful.

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