Saturday, June 21, 2008

newest addition to mehaffey family

While I am so thankful for where we live and our cute little house, there are a few things that I miss from my house growing up. 1) a dishwasher, but I did hear my husband say today, in front of others as witnesses, and now I am writing it on here so it is public knowledge, that he finds it peaceful to wash dishes. 2) air conditioning. Summers in this house are a little taste of what hell might be like. And after the sun goes down, it gets even hotter in this house. It is like a constant oven that sucks the life out of us. In fact, I think I could even bake cookies without having to put them in the oven. Bob and I had had it last night when we had to put cold wash cloths all over ourselves to take away the heat. We seriously talked about taking a cold shower in our pjs before going to bed. So tonight we plugged in the portable air conditioner (ghetto cooler) that Bob's parents gave us. This is a picture of our new best friend and the next addition to our family. I am sure it will cause us to settle down, in the sense that we will be in our room now any time that we are home. And although it is not the loveliest or most petite of air conditioners, we are hoping it will help us make it through the summer.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

at least yours was free....we spent $450.00 on our newest addition to our home! We love ours so much we take it up and down the stairs daily!