Tuesday, June 24, 2008

the inevitable

Okay, so why is it that when you are running late, everything that could possible go wrong does? Is it some law of physics? First of all, after driving two blocks,you realize that you forgot something in your house, so you go back, forgetting your keys in the car to unlock the door. Once you take off again, you quickly become aware that you must have a sign on your car that says, "Please pull in front of me as a cruel joke since I am already late." And of course somebody has to honk at you, just as a reminder that not only will the people you are arriving late to not like you, but strangers also hate you. As you weave in and out of traffic, you always choose the lane that stops suddenly and you have to slam on your breaks even though you were only going 5 mph to start with. Your tires screech and people look at you, wondering what your problem is. When you finally get off the freeway and are close to your destination, you are stuck behind a semi, whose driver gets paid by the hour and is in no hurry, taking up the entire green light. So there you are waiting again at a red light. Arriving at the place to turn left into your destination, the once dead street turns into a highway of cars trying to make you even later. You can even see the people's evil smiles as they drive by, apparently in no rush to get where they are going. Finally you arrive, and although people greet you kindly, you cannot help but notice the meeting has started without you and you are the person who everyone is glad that they are not.

And to think that I didn't understand physics in high school. My life is physics; boy would my teacher be proud!

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